Open Up a World of Opportunity

With a Technology-Driven After-School Program Franchise


Smart Business Model. World-Class Experience. Established Brand

Minds of Tomorrow grew out of a shared interest in design and technology among our founders. Connections across an international landscape brought home the diversity of talent in the world and fostered an exploration into how the digital world would affect their children’s future.

Long-term growth potential

More than 44 million children ages 2 - 13 live in the U.S., creating a consistent target market for your after school program franchise.

High demand for education enrichment services

Parents place a high value on their children’s education, investing more than $10,000 per household a year on after-school activities.

Stable market sector

Education services rank well among recession-resistant industries.

Invest in Your Future – and Future Generations – with a Minds of Tomorrow Franchise

Leverage established best practices that take the guesswork out of operating your own business.

Launch quickly with guidance from an experienced management team that knows what it takes to open and operate your tech and academic club franchise.

Incorporate a fully developed curriculum that blends coding, design, robotics and entrepreneurship into more than 500 activities designed to nurture a child’s creative mindset.

Control overhead with a team of part-time, tech-savvy mentors who are passionate about education enrichment for children.

Build upon your investment through multiple revenue streams, including membership options, age-appropriate programs, family activities including weekend birthday parties and parents’ nights out, tech camps and more.

Expand revenue-generating opportunities with remote sessions for in-school learning, pop-up locations in your territory, and points-based retail merchandise sales.

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